Scorpia by Anthony Horowitz
Fifth book in the Alex Rider series.
After the last book, where MI6 was proved wrong and Alex proved right, things are starting to turn right. Alex is turning back into a normal school boy and, unusually, MI6 are leaving him alone. Alex goes on a school trip to Venice with his best friend and his tutor. But Alex isn't there just to see the dull museums. He is there to search for Scorpia, the organisation his dad had worked for. When he finds them, they make him become one of them, a contract killer and a dangerous person. When he is sent to kill Mrs Jones he is captured bu MI6 and taken into custody. I like this book, not a much as the last but it is again a twist to the plot which makes it more exciting. Overall I am giving it 8/10.
This is the latst installment of the Alex Rider series. I went straight from the last one into this. In the last book our hero is in peril and it look bleak and one wonders wether he will survive. In this the darkness in the story continues and again we are presented with an excellent story of intrigue and double dealing. Who is Alex Rider? Who was John Rider, his father. There are a lot of questions thrown back and forward about Alex's parents and their loyalties. This is an excellent story and again it seems the author is really now getting into his character and providing more depth to the story. I look forward to the next installment. I give this an 8/10
Overall 8/10