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Wednesday 26 May 2010

Revelation C J Sansom

Revelation by C J Sansom

I went straight into this having read the four Shardlake books back to back.  This by far is the best of them.  Our Hero Matthew Shardlake the Crookback Lawyer and his assistant Jack Barak become involved in the hunt for a serial killer after one of Shardlakes friends is killed by an assassin and his body placed in a fountain in Lincolns Inn.  There is again a huge amount of historical fact in this novel especially around the struggles for political power and the desire of the king to marry for a sixth time.  It is not clear who the perpetrator of the crimes is and I have to admit it was not until we got near the end that I was able to work out who and why.  There are also some interesting facts and issues raised about mental illness and how it was percieved and dealt with in this time.  I was enthralled as usual with the writting and the stylr of the prose.  I give this one a 10 out of 10.  Brilliant and I can't wait until the fifth book comes out this year.